Making Factories Smarter

Enable real-time continuous learning across the factory

Our award-winning platform integrates data from all your factory sources—Man, Machine, and Material — into a powerful manufacturing intelligence system. This empowers your plant floor personnel to quickly grasp insights, adapt to changing conditions, make informed decisions, and take immediate action, driving continuous improvement and agility.

Optimize Factory Performance Smartly

Consistent Operations, Smarter Decisions. 

Manufacturers strive for higher quality and productivity, which depends on consistent operations, optimized practices, and reliable expertise. IndustrialML's Smart Factory platform offers a customizable solution that drives consistent operations and smarter decision-making across any industry.


  • Live Data Intelligence

    Visualize line setup, status, and history in real time. Data from ERP systems, sensors, and cameras is integrated, enabling earlier observation through the R-OOE (Realtime Operation Optimisation Enabling System), providing real-time safety and operation job tickets with alerts. Intuitive dashboards deliver real-time KPIs and calculations, enabling faster decision-making and a comprehensive view of factory operations for all roles.

  • Unified Data, Instant Actions

    Receive real-time notifications anywhere via the R-TPM (Realtime Total Productive Maintenance System). This system offers customizable alerts, safety, and maintenance job tickets, along with virtual ANDON support, ensuring quick responses and stable actions through channels like email, Slack, and SMS

  • Insight-Driven Learning

    Analyze metrics and performance using the MI-A&T (Manufacturing Intelligence Accumulation & Transfer System). Secure data storage and simple report generation enable deep insights and rapid learning, setting up your production line for continuous improvement and future success